Nirvana Projects

Staying busy on the grid…



Poster - Swarm of Decor 3

Welcome to the 3rd annual Swarm of Decor Hunt. Below is a list of 20 merchants providing $7L home & garden gifts. Each store is hyperlinked for easy teleporting but you can also pick up a full hunt listing by touching the SOD3 hunt sign at the starting location.  All icons can be found on the main floor of each store. Follow the clues and reap the rewards. Be sure to take a moment and vote for the best hunt gift. Poll

1. Whimsical Happenings (2 gifts)
Hint: Find me under a tree
Hint: Singing..Then we’ll be happy in that land where no cabins fall
promo-nice-quaint-autumn promo-portraits

2. StoraxTree
Hint: Look near the hunt poster
Trick or Treat Gravestone ok copy.png

3. Blade & Rain
Hint: Don’t sit on me!

4. Dragon Magick Wares
Hint: Got enough clutter there?

5. Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop
Hint: I’m easy to find between the group’s gifts!

6. De Baza
Hint: Please use hint giver by store landing

7. Elysium
Hint: I am from Africa – raaawwwrrrrr

8. Myth
Hint: Twinkle twinkle little star….

9. PS! Perfect Seduction
Hint: There are always so many sales during the Holidays!

10. Hatter ‘n Hell (5 gifts)
Hint: Trying to hide out in black & white
(same hint for all gift locations)

11. Fairey Angel Creations
Hint: I can be found lion around

12. Tantalum Jewelry
Hint: I killed your plant so I’m not afraid to kill you!
(large store. head to the right of the entrance. Find Mindy!)

13. The Artist Shed
Hint: Hunting makes me tired, I’m going to nap in this pillow pile


14. Palette
Hint: Watch out for spilled paint
(large store. head to the right of the entrance)

15. Laynieland
Hint: In the lowest yard, look all around, Or your prize will not be found. Goblins, Ghouls and Ghastly Ghosts

16. Purple Moon Seasonal Decorations
Hint: Did you saw the Green kittens?

17. Halloween Delights
Hint: Where did I put my hat?

18. Sour Pickles
Hint: Check Hint Giver

19. [QE] Designs
Hint: Kick back and take a seat amongst the stars

20. Loordes of London
Hint: By the bargains

The END.





Author: Earth

I'm the founder of NIRVANA PROJECTS which is comprised of WHIMSICAL HAPPENINGS and BE HUNTED. WHIMSICAL HAPPENINGS is a small store dedicated to the production & distribution of of costume jewelry, home goods, poses anything I am inspired to create. BE HUNTED is a secondlife group that helps designers promote their goods through hunts and other sales events. There is no cost to participate and all are welcomed to join!

4 thoughts on “SWARM OF DECOR 3

  1. Pingback: SWARM OF DECOR 3 | 亗 Second Life Freebie...

  2. Pingback: SWARM OF DECOR 3 Post 1- Halloween/Fall « Secondlife Wolftracks

  3. Pingback: SWARM OF DECOR 3 Post 2- Halloween/Fall « Secondlife Wolftracks

  4. Pingback: Autumn camp and pumpkin decor | Second Life Bloggers

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